How to Start a Laundry Pick-Up and Delivery Service
Sometimes the simplest and most basic idea can benefit lots of people. There are many who do not or cannot perform their own laundry tasks because of physical limitations or too little time. Then there is the problem of gathering up soiled clothing and getting from point A to point B in an organized and routine manner to have the needed cleaning performed. Being the coordinator of point A to point B could be very beneficial to many as a Laundry Pick-Up and Delivery Service person.
Get Your Paperwork in Place
Start a card file or an excel spreadsheet for your customers and their personal information. Even a recipe card and file box will suffice. Place name, address, phone number and email address at the top and use the bottom to keep pertinent notes about directions and instructions on the bottom. Create some business cards and/or flyers to have on hand for potential clients.
Mapping out Your Service Area
Buy an area map and mark the boundaries where you are willing to travel and make a rule not to exceed your realm of distance. Your expenditures can get out of hand quickly by making exceptions to your well thought out plan. Color code five different areas for each day of the week for your travel to keep your mileage controlled.
Where to Find Your Customers
Coin operated laundry mats, dry cleaners, retirement communities, and apartment complexes with shared laundry facilities and local online advertising sites made a great beginning for your new business without having to spend a dime. In fact, many laundry mats that provide a washing and drying service may be interested in incorporating your fees with their own.
Determining Your Price List
It may seem like nothing more than your gas is being spent in running around picking up and dropping off laundry but this cost will mount quickly. The wear and tear on your vehicle will also force you to consider additional costs soon for maintenance and repairs so don’t shortchange yourself when it comes to your dependable means of income. Set a per mile fee in case your customer changes their mind about where they want their laundry taken or if they happen to move to the other side of town.
Coming Up with a General Policy
If you want prepaid, insist on prepaid and keep good records. If you are going to collect on a certain day, do not make extensions. You will also need to take into account holidays, delays due to inclement weather or illness. If you spell out everything in your Policy before starting with a new client, there will be no questions later on.
Never be Without a Backup Plan
The day will come when you get called out of town or you are in bed with the flu. Having a backup plan is necessary to keep your business dependable. Train another person to know your route and what is expected of them. Maybe let them work a day or two alone or even consider a partner from the start. Just remember that service and organization is the key combination to any type of business and you need to choose a partner with the same work ethic as you.